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Hi, my name's Haley! Welcome to my blog.

I’m a thirty-something woman, and I live in Texas with my husband (R) and our two children, a three-year-old daughter (A) and a baby boy (T). I'm an attorney, and I also do a lot of volunteer work.

I was raised Protestant, and I converted to Catholicism as an adult. My spiritual life is s a mix of Protestant and Catholic flavors.

I have bachelors’ degrees in Classical Studies and English, and a Masters in English with a minor in Multicultural Women and Gender Studies…and a tendency to hold seemingly contradictory personal beliefs. Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes).[1]

In my free time, I love to hang out with my hubby and kiddos, garden, crochet, write, read, do yoga, volunteer, or watch sports.


Drop me a line! I'd love to get to know you too! 



[1] Walt Whitman, Song of Myself 51

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